Hills for breakfast, hold the gnats

Newport Marathon

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Member Since:

Jan 31, 2008



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

Marathon PR: 4:17 at Portland Marathon, Oct. 2007

5K PR 24:37 2009

10K PR 52:58 2010

Have run 22 marathons to date.

No injuries, ever.   :)

Short-Term Running Goals:

Qualify for Boston (4:05 for my age/gender) - or, perhaps, to use my desire for a BQ as a way to get in the hated speed work so I don't just get slower and slower over the years.  This goal is "under (re)construction" right now, until I figure out whether it is truly what I want. :) 

Long-Term Running Goals:

To continue learning about myself and about running, and to enjoy being a fit, happy runner for life.   To always know why I am running and the best way to get the most (both mentally and physically) out of my runs.  To keep a sense of humor and remain optimistic about myself as a runner.  To enjoy running more and more with every passing year. 


Baby boomer generation.  Jogged a little in my 20's and 30's.  Started running seriously in 2002.  Low-carb runner since January 2010. 

I love long runs and cold, cloudy weather.  I don't believe in "junk miles."  I am an optimist.  I adore dark chocolate, fog, my family, and knitting -- not necessarily in that order.  

"As every runner knows, running is about more than just putting one foot in front of the other; it is about our lifestyle and who we are."  -- Joan Benoit Samuelson 

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Brooks ST3 Lifetime Miles: 891.35
Vibram Five Fingers KSO Lifetime Miles: 23.77
Brooks ST3 II Lifetime Miles: 965.17
Lunaracers II Lifetime Miles: 198.23
Mizuno Wave Universe 3 Lifetime Miles: 104.14
Asics Piranha Lifetime Miles: 536.83
RunAmocs (Softstar) Lifetime Miles: 16.23
Piranha II Lifetime Miles: 219.53
Race: Newport Marathon (26.2 Miles) 04:25:55
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I want a do-over.  Not any time soon, mind you.  But that was pretty much a waste of good marathon. 

It was a wonderful marathon course. Really wonderful.  And I got to share some time before and after the race with friends.  But the fun-o-meter tanked early. And hard.  More on this in a moment...

Jefferey & Carolyn, spending some time with you guys and seeing you do well was a huge lift for me and will be the one of the things I remember most fondly about this race.  Also present were a couple of runners from my running club. We actually got coordinated enough to have dinner together yesterday, 10 folks total with added family members.  Great fun. 

A few days ago we all expected cool, wet weather, the angels sang down on me, and all was well.  But the day dawned with blue skies and bright sunshine. Dang.  But everything was copacetic for the first quarter of the race. 

By halfway, I was struggling a bit, but still on a good pace.  By 16 I was nauseous and slowing.  (Nausea is a typical heat reaction for me.)   By 18 I had a blister. I don't think I've ever had a blister in a marathon (one in a half-m last summer).  

Somewhere around mile 20 I was slowing enough to be sending distress messages to Mr. Sno & SnoFlake on my iPhone. Somewhere around mile 23, I threw up. Overwhelmed by self pity, I cried a little then pulled myself together. After that, I was just hanging on and trying to keep moving forward. 

Course description: The first 4-5 miles feature a lot of ups and downs. Nothing too horrible, and the temperature was still tolerable at that point.  I planned to run a couple of 10 minute miles, then a couple of 9:30s, then go to 9:00-9:10s once we flattened out. All 5 of these miles were around 9:30 though.  

A stretch of road in mile 4 was being re-paved, so we had an unpleasant couple of minutes of gravel. A big hill right after the mile 4 marker was early enough that I tried to just keep an even effort and forget about the pace.  From around mile 6 to maybe 9 there was quite a bit of shade and I was hitting most of my miles very close to 9:00, with one under 9!  I was walking 15-20 seconds through each water stop, drinking one cup and pouring a second on myself.  Took salt pills and Nuun from mile 10 on. 

I was at 2:03 at mile 13.  Not ideal, but not bad.  The course has a turn around at mile 15, that turned out to be far enough past 15 to mess with my mind a bit.  All the way from 13 to 15, I kept thinking we were going slightly up hill, but at the turn around I found it was an illusion.  :(  

At 16, we were headed "home" and things started to fall apart.  The sun felt so very hot.  I sat down somewhere around mile 20 to add vaseline to my blistering foot, which may have saved the rest of my race from becoming a total death march.  In a way, it's amazing I came in when I did considering the puking, the pain, and the general discouragement.

The hill at mile 25-26, about which I worried in my comments section yesterday, was surprisingly manageable.  For sure, I slowed way down, but in my condition I expected I'd have to walk it, which I did not.  The last .2 goes flat and then down steeply, and my legs did fine on that.  I felt like I was limping, favoring the foot with the blister, but Mr. Sno says I looked strong. What a great guy.

I'm sorry about the negative report, and the negative results.  If good friends and a desire to make people proud of me could work miracles, I would have a BQ to share instead of a blister and a bunch of tears.  But for someone who hasn't trained much in any temps over 55 for 9 months, 70s (in the sun - 60s in the shade) was just too much for me. 

After the marathon, Carolyn's family and mine had lunch together, then spent the afternoon walking/hobbling around the beautiful Yaquina Head Lighthouse and Museum.  Being by the sea is very soothing and helps put things into perspective.  Huge thanks to my friends, and my wonderfully supportive family.  Newport Marathon, I'll see you again. 

ST3-M Miles: 26.20
From Smooth on Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 22:51:23 from

WAY to tough it out with blistered foot, pukey heat and all. Sounds like you had a great time with Carolyn and Jeff pre and post race. Hope you recover well and enjoy some sightseeing with your fam.

From RAD on Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 23:00:18 from

WOW - you really did tough it out. I think you deserve a do-over as well. I hate when we put months of prep into something and then someone like mother nature throws a wrench into our plans that we can't help! You did amazing and I'm sure that in the coming days the positive memories of friends and 'fun' will overcome the negative and you will be back on top and ready to tackle another one!! CONGRATS on a strong finish and pulling through - running all comes down to the mental game and you MORE than BQ'd that today!

From Dale on Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 23:06:51 from

Boy, do I feel your pain. R2R 50 miler in the same sun and heat. Oh, and I forgot my sunscreen :O. I'll read throughly later but wanted to say good job in tough conditions! Now I need to go pass out.

From jun on Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 23:10:07 from

Over time you may see this experience as a really good one. I'm sure you learned a ton. We often learn the most from our lowest moments. Yet, you stuck it out through all of the pain, illness, and heat and still finished. Way to go. You should be proud.

From april27 on Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 23:12:22 from

You did great in such conditions. If I would have puked I would have had someone pick me up! LOL

You are an inspiration to me. I teared up when my bro crossed the full finish line today and I thought man I wish I would have done it withhim--but in my brain I know that would have been a bad idea! Way to tough out your race. I thinkyou set a new PR for yourself--fastest run that involved heat and puking!?

From Bonnie on Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 23:14:00 from

wow. What a mess Sno, I am so sorry, I can't even imagine continuing to run after throwing up, you are strong. I am SO glad you had fun with SRR and CinC ... how lucky us runners are to have such an extended family. big hugs to you.

From Carolyn in Colorado on Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 23:35:42 from

That was unquestionably a tough race today with those blue skies and sun. The temperature really makes a huge difference. You are so amazingly tough to have stuck it out with the puking and the blister. And I saw you run in the finish and you really did look strong.

It was really wonderful to meet you and your family. A certain young member of my family is really hoping to do it again some time.

From rAtTLeTrAp on Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 00:03:06 from

I know you're a little disappointed, but you finished and looked good doing it! Just ask Mr. Sno, he will tell you!

From Burt on Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 00:33:48 from

Interesting how you and Carolyn both started really feeling it at mile 16 and you both were affected by the heat so much. Way to gut it out, though.

From JD on Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 00:38:55 from

As Paris Hilton once said, "That's hot."

I'm inspired by the fact that you run so many marathons consistently. Good job on #21 and I look forward to more inspiration from you as you train for your next one.

From nicole on Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 04:23:59 from

If it makes you feel any better (which I'm sure it doesn't!) it NEVER hits 70 in LC/Newport. So you did great in accordance and future Newports won't be so bad!

Way to persevere and you continue to be an amazing inspirational runner!

From auntieem on Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 14:05:23 from

Hey Sno, great job in the FREAKISHLY hot weather! Sorry it did not go as planned, but good training is never wasted! At least this is how I'm trying to see things in the wake of my recent racing disaster. It really is the journey, not the end. You are so incredibly strong - the blister is certainly one of the worst things I can imagine mid marathon. I am thinking that your good training is well reflected in your first half; nice splits with some below 9!

From Snoqualmie on Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 14:10:36 from

Thanks for all the kind words, folks.

I try to be a good and patient person, but waking up to a foggy, drizzly morning today, with the worst sunburn I've had in years blazing on my shoulders, I must confess I feel bitter. Will see if a walk on the beach helps.

Dale- you are one tough cookie to have run twice as far in those conditions!!!

Nicole- I'm sure the official temp was in the sixties, because they have to measure it in the shade, away from asphalt. The brand new blacktop was a great running surface, but also an oven. Sounds like you've spent some time down here. Isn't it beautiful?

From Bonnie on Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 14:56:18 from

Bitter? ... you bet your sweet bippy you should be bitter, that is just not right Sno -- remember, real runners learn from bad races (though the best you can learn from this one is that every-once-in-a-blue-moon the sun shines in Newport ;-)) and move on to the next one. Enjoy your day.

From Carolyn in Colorado on Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 19:12:57 from

I wondered what you would think when I got up to the rain this morning. I've got a nasty sunburn on my shoulders too. Carrying my laptop bag on my shoulder through airports today was not fun.

I'm so glad I was able to come to Newport and meet you. That was the best part of the weekend!

From Dale on Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 21:50:58 from

Wow, take away the sun, heat, and their effects and it really sounds like you had your sub-4 race. You've got it in you, your training was solid, now all you need is a cooperative mother nature. Good job under tough conditions!

From nicole on Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 23:04:09 from

Sno - I'm from Lincoln City so I'm very familiar with Newport! :-) I hope you enjoyed the rest of your trip, and weren't too bitter about the perfect race weather we had today. Of course! When is your next race? I just signed up for the Portland Marathon!

From CookieLegs on Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 23:51:00 from

Just have to say I've always been mightily inspired by you!! It was tough luck having that brutal sun & heat for the 2nd half, being nauseated, etc., but you showed great determination in finishing. Here's to hoping your next race is cool & cloudy.

And, sorry about your sunburn - that's no fun - hope it feels better soon.

From Snoqualmie Ridge Runner on Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 00:33:01 from

Sno- what a pleasure to meet your family and Carolyn's as well. And another bonus to meet Dave and Sheree...Such nice people!

I qualified for Boston but the best part of the weekend was hanging out with "our group". Your husband is such a nice guy, your daughter is a peach and you are one-of-a-kind Awesome!

The fact that you did this well on NO CARBS is absolutely amazing!! Seriously, how do you run that way...I'm betting if you had carbed up like the rest of us the night before and took some gu and heed during the race you would have come very close to qualifying...but that is just my two cents worth. Even Dave said it was tough for him...

From Barb on Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 03:46:15 from

Sno, congrats on your finish! Man I felt your pain when you described your running experience. Way to hang tough and finish well. You've been such an encouragement to me and I'm learning a lot! Ton but ça va arriver bientôt dans l'avenir...c'est certain! Encore, du courage!

From Metcalf Running on Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 10:26:50 from

Way to finish a tough race!! Congrats!

From Sean Sundwall on Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 17:57:23 from


I am so sorry you had such a bad experience. I feel guilty because I talked up this marathon so much. I hope you will consider giving it a second chance in the years to come. Hang in there.

From Kelli on Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 22:33:23 from

I am getting to this late---SORRY!!!!

I am so sorry that you had a bad race, that really stinks. heat can really do a person in, I am amazed you toughed it out after all of that! Others would have quit!!!

Hope things are going much better now a bit later. It is always good to reflect on it later and just move on to the next one, however far away it may be.

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